Love Mediterranean flavors? This mix of authentic and fusion Spanish vegetarian recipes will hit the spot! Spanish cuisine has so much to offer a vegetarian diet: amazing cheeses, beans, olives, delicious fresh bread, and lots of sun kissed vegetables. Whether we are recreating an authentic tapas dish, or simply using Spanish ingredients to put a twist on some of our favorite recipes, this is a cuisine you will want to get to know better this summer.

Spanish cuisine will never be famed for being the most vegetarian friendly, but I am here to tell you that there are plenty of meatless delights on offer to vegetarians and vegans!

Having been to Spain a few times, I can assure you that I can and will eat patatas bravas daily, and that it pained me to walk away from a country where it is socially acceptable – encouraged, even! – to top tomato bread with alioli.

Yes, Spanish cuisine speaks to me.

It’s even easier to eat vegetarian Spanish food when you’re cooking at home and can make some very simple substitutions to ensure that you’re using vegetable broth, etc.

And, let’s face it, home is probably where you’re at right now because it’s May 2020 and no one is on vacation. In fact, you might be mourning the loss of your summer vacation, and looking for ways to bring some novelty and escapism to your mealtimes at home.

So let’s do this! Here are 22 Spanish recipes that are totally vegetarian and do-able at home. This is everything you need to plan a tapas spread for your family, find some new ways to bulk cook rice and grains, and use some Spanish ingredients in new and different ways.

22 Vegetarian Spanish Recipes

  • Love Mediterranean flavors? This mix of authentic and fusion Spanish vegetarian recipes will hit the spot! Spanish cuisine has so much to offer a vegetarian diet: amazing cheeses, beans, olives, delicious fresh bread, and lots of sun kissed vegetables. Whether we are recreating an authentic tapas dish, or simply using Spanish ingredients to put a twist on some of our favorite recipes, this is a cuisine you will want to get to know better this summer.

Traditional Tapas Delights

Tapas is the quintessential Spanish experience. Grazing on lots of small platters, glass of wine in hand, is a truly lovely way to eat. These vegetarian tapas treats are proof that Spanish cuisine isn't all about the meat.

Spanish Rice, Soups & Stews

If tapas is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Spanish recipes, paella is probably a close second! If small bites aren't what you're looking for, consider a bowl of perfectly flavored rice or beans.

Spanish Sauces

For dipping, spreading, pouring and drizzling. Give a little Spanish twist to any meal with these delicious sauces!

Fusion Fun with Spanish Ingredients

Spanish ingredients such as smoked paprika can be used in so many fun and different ways. These dishes are not authentic, but they bring a little Spanish flair to other cuisines.